Struct desfire::tag_responder

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Struct Documentation

struct tag_responder : public virtual pn532::scanner_responder

Specialized pn532::scanner_responder that interacts with a tag. This uses the platform-default cipher provider.

Public Functions

inline virtual std::vector<pn532::target_type> get_scan_target_types(pn532::scanner&) const override

Restricts only to pn532::target_type::passive_106kbps_iso_iec_14443_4_typea.


The correct value for DesFIRE cards is not pn532::target_type::mifare_classic_ultralight, otherwise the PN532 will enable syntax checking and prevent more advanced desfire commands.

inline virtual pn532::post_interaction interact(pn532::scanner &scanner, pn532::scanned_target const &target) override

Calls interact.

virtual pn532::post_interaction interact_with_tag(tag &tag) = 0

Abstract function for interacting with a Desfire tag.


tag – Tag that has been detected by the PN532.


One pn532::post_interaction return codes.