Struct desfire::cipher_provider

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Type

Struct Documentation

struct cipher_provider

Class that abstracts providing a protocol and a crypto for a key. This is used to erase or hide the implementation from the user, so that we can have multiple architectures or multiple backend crypto libraries. It is meant to be used through typed_cipher_provider.

Subclassed by desfire::typed_cipher_provider< CryptoDES, Crypto2K3DES, Crypto3K3DES, CryptoAES, ProtocolDES, Protocol2K3DES, Protocol3K3DES, ProtocolAES >

Public Functions

virtual std::unique_ptr<protocol> protocol_from_key(any_key const &key) = 0

Create the protocol associated to the given key.


key – Any key.


A unique pointer to a protocol which is setup with key.

virtual std::unique_ptr<crypto> crypto_from_key(any_key const &key) = 0

Create the crypto object associated to the given key


key – Any key.


A unique pointer to a crypto object on which crypto::setup_with_key has been called.

virtual ~cipher_provider() = default

Public Static Functions

static std::unique_ptr<cipher_provider> platform_default()

Generate a new platform default cipher provider. For ESP32, this is desfire::esp32::default_cipher_provider.


A new instance of a cipher provider.