Class pn532::esp32::hsu_channel
Defined in File hsu.hpp
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public pn532::channel
(Class pn532::channel)
Class Documentation
class hsu_channel : public pn532::channel
Implementation of HSU channel protocol for PN532 over ESP32’s I2C driver (UM0701-02 §6.2.3).
Public Functions
virtual bool wake() override
Sends the byte sequence
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hsu_channel(uart_port_t port, uart_config_t config, gpio_num_t to_device_tx, gpio_num_t to_device_rx)
Construct an HSU channel for a PN532 with the given settings.
In case of invalid port or configuration, an error message is printed, but the class is correctly constructed. It will simply always fail to send and receive anything (and may clog your output with error messages).
- Parameters:
port – Communication port for the HSU channel. This is passed as-is to the UART driver.
config – Configuration for the HSU channel. This is passed as-is to the UART driver.
to_device_tx – The pin connected to the TX line on the PN532
to_device_rx – The pin connected to the RX line on the PN532
~hsu_channel() override
Deletes the allocated UART driver.
Protected Functions
virtual result raw_send(mlab::range<bin_data::const_iterator> buffer, ms timeout) override
Wraps around
virtual result raw_receive(mlab::range<bin_data::iterator> buffer, ms timeout) override
Wraps around
inline virtual comm_rx_mode raw_receive_mode() const override
- Returns:
For hsu_channel, this is always comm_rx_mode::stream.
virtual bool wake() override