
This library is split in 3 main part

digraph libspookyaction { fontname="Lato, proxima-nova, 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif" graph [nodesep=0.2, ranksep=1]; node [shape = "record" fontname="Lato, proxima-nova, 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif"]; newrank=true; compound=true; subgraph cluster_Channels{ label="Channels" I2C[label="pn532::i2c" shape=box]; SPI[label="pn532::spi"shape=box]; UART[label="pn532::hsu"shape=box]; } subgraph cluster_nfc{ label="pn532::controller" channel[shape=box]; } subgraph cluster_tag{ label="desfire::tag" controller[shape=box]; } channel_interface [label="{\<\<interface\>\>\nChannel|+ raw_send()\l+ raw_receive()\l+ raw_receive_mode()\l+ on_receive_prepare()\l+ on_receive_complete()\l+ on_send_prepare()\l+ on_send_complete()\l}"] controllers [label="{\<\<interface\>\>\nController| + communicate()}"] I2C -> channel [ltail=cluster_Channels]; channel -> controller [ltail=cluster_nfc]; channel_interface -> SPI[lhead=cluster_Channels arrowhead="odot"]; controllers -> channel [lhead=cluster_nfc arrowhead="odot"]; {rank = same; channel_interface; controllers;} {rank = same; I2C;UART;SPI; channel;controller} }


Abstract the communication between the user (microcontroller, computer ecc..) and the tag reader. At the moment the I2C, SPI and HSU(UART) channel are implemented.


This implements the commands necessary to control the tag reader. It uses a channel to communicate with the reader. At the moment only the PN532 reader is implemented.


Implement the command and functionality present in a Tag. It uses a controller to communicate with the tag. At the moment only the DESFIRE tag is implemented.