Struct desfire::manufacturing_info

Struct Documentation

struct manufacturing_info

Information about a card’s hardware and software.

See also


Public Members

ware_info hardware

Hardware information.

ware_info software

Software (firmware?) information.

std::array<std::uint8_t, 7> serial_no = {}

Serial number.


Usually coincides with the transmitted pn532::nfcid_2t, unless random id has been enabled via tag::set_configuration.

std::array<std::uint8_t, 5> batch_no = {}

Production batch number.

std::uint8_t production_week = 0

Production week.


It seems that in the cards sometimes this value is set as hex, while it should presumably set as decimal; i.e. value 0x23 means 23rd week of the year, not the 35th.

std::uint8_t production_year = 0

Production year.


It seems that in the cards sometimes this value is set as hex, while it should presumably set as decimal; i.e. value 0x17 means 2017, not 2023.