Class desfire::any_file_settings
Defined in File data.hpp
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public mlab::any_of< file_type, file_settings, file_type::standard >
Class Documentation
class any_file_settings : public mlab::any_of<file_type, file_settings, file_type::standard>
Variant-like type which can hold the file settings for a file of a given type. All file types have the common_settings property.
Public Functions
common_file_settings const &common_settings() const
Settings common to all file_type.
data_file_settings const &data_settings() const
Settings for file_type::standard and file_type::backup. Test the type before calling this method, as it will return an invalid reference if the type is not the correct one.
record_file_settings const &record_settings() const
Settings for file_type::linear_record and file_type::cyclic_record. Test the type before calling this method, as it will return an invalid reference if the type is not the correct one.
value_file_settings const &value_settings() const
Settings for file_type::value. Test the type before calling this method, as it will return an invalid reference if the type is not the correct one.
common_file_settings &common_settings()
Settings common to all file_type.
data_file_settings &data_settings()
Settings for file_type::standard and file_type::backup. Test the type before calling this method, as it will return an invalid reference if the type is not the correct one.
record_file_settings &record_settings()
Settings for file_type::linear_record and file_type::cyclic_record. Test the type before calling this method, as it will return an invalid reference if the type is not the correct one.
value_file_settings &value_settings()
Settings for file_type::value. Test the type before calling this method, as it will return an invalid reference if the type is not the correct one.
common_file_settings const &common_settings() const