Enum pn532::target_type

Enum Documentation

enum class pn532::target_type : std::uint8_t

Supported PN532 target types, distinguished by modulation and baudrate (UM0701-02 §7.3.13).


Modern Mifare Desfire cards do not appear as target_type::mifare_classic_ultralight cards, but as target_type::passive_106kbps_iso_iec_14443_4_typea targets instead. Note as well that some of these entries are duplicate, despite having different values. It is not clear based on what the PN532 chooses one over the other. For your specific application, scan for all targets and then narrow down to the type that is specific to yours. In some cases, specifying the incorrect scan target might push a card to activate in a legacy or compatibility mode, e.g. Mifare Desfire cards can activate as Mifare Classic if you are polling for target_type::mifare_classic_ultralight, which deactivates most of the non-legacy commands.


enumerator generic_passive_106kbps

Generic passive 106 kbps target (ISO/IEC 14443-4A, Mifare, DEP).

enumerator generic_passive_212kbps

Generic passive 212 kbps target (FeliCa and DEP).

enumerator generic_passive_424kbps

Generic passive 424 kbps target (FeliCa and DEP).

enumerator passive_106kbps_iso_iec_14443_4_typeb

Passive 106 kbps ISO/IEC14443-4B target.

enumerator innovision_jewel_tag

Innovision Jewel tag.

enumerator mifare_classic_ultralight

Mifare card, Classic or Ultralight.

enumerator felica_212kbps_card

FeliCa 212 kbps card.

enumerator felica_424kbps_card

FeliCa 424 kbps card.

enumerator passive_106kbps_iso_iec_14443_4_typea

Passive 106 kbps ISO/IEC14443-4A (Mifare Desfire).

enumerator passive_106kbps_iso_iec_14443_4_typeb_alt

Passive 106 kbps ISO/IEC14443-4B.

enumerator dep_passive_106kbps

DEP passive 106 kbps.

enumerator dep_passive_212kbps

DEP passive 212 kbps.

enumerator dep_passive_424kbps

DEP passive 424 kbps.

enumerator dep_active_106kbps

DEP active 106 kbps.

enumerator dep_active_212kbps

DEP active 212 kbps.

enumerator dep_active_424kbps

DEP active 424 kbps.