Struct desfire::value_file_settings

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Type

Struct Documentation

struct value_file_settings

Settings specific to file_type::value.

Subclassed by desfire::file_settings< file_type::value >

Public Functions

constexpr value_file_settings() = default
inline constexpr value_file_settings(std::int32_t lowlim, std::int32_t uplim, std::int32_t v, bool enable_lim_credit = false)

Public Members

std::int32_t lower_limit = 0

Lower limit for the value.

std::int32_t upper_limit = 0

Upper limit for the value.

std::int32_t value = 0

Value of the file.


For tag::get_file_settings, this includes the limited credit, if enabled. For the method tag::create_file(file_id, file_settings<file_type::value> const &), this is the initial value.

bool limited_credit_enabled = false

Whether limited crediting is enabled for this file.