Struct desfire::record_file_settings

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Types

Struct Documentation

struct record_file_settings

Settings specific to file_type::linear_record and file_type::cyclic_record.

Subclassed by desfire::file_settings< file_type::cyclic_record >, desfire::file_settings< file_type::linear_record >

Public Functions

constexpr record_file_settings() = default
inline constexpr record_file_settings(std::uint32_t rec_size, std::uint32_t max_rec_count, std::uint32_t rec_count = 0)

Public Members

std::uint32_t record_size = 0

Size in bytes of a single record.


This is actually a 24bit value, so the maximum value is 0xffffff. It will be clamped upon transmission.

std::uint32_t max_record_count = 0

Maximum number of records allowed in the file.


This is actually a 24bit value, so the maximum value is 0xffffff. It will be clamped upon transmission.

std::uint32_t record_count = 0

Contains the total number of records. Unused for file creation.


This is actually a 24bit value, so the maximum value is 0xffffff. It will be clamped upon transmission.