Class desfire::any_key

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public mlab::any_of< cipher_type, key, cipher_type::none >

Class Documentation

class any_key : public mlab::any_of<cipher_type, key, cipher_type::none>

Type-erased class that holds a key of any cipher type.

Rule of five.

Copy-constructors have to be manually implemented for mlab::any_of.

any_key(any_key const &other)
any_key &operator=(any_key const &other)
any_key(any_key &&other) noexcept = default
any_key &operator=(any_key &&other) noexcept = default

Public Functions

any_key() = default

Default-constructs an empty key with cipher_type::none.

template<cipher_type Cipher>
any_key(key<Cipher> obj)

Converts implicitly a strongly typed key of a given type to a type-erased any_key.

Template Parameters:

Cipher – Cipher of the key


obj – Key instance (moved into the instance).

explicit any_key(cipher_type cipher)

Constructs key number 0, with the key body set to all zeroes, of the given cipher type.


cipher – Cipher type for which to construct the key.

any_key(cipher_type cipher, mlab::range<std::uint8_t const*> k, std::uint8_t key_no = 0)

Constructs a key of the given cipher, using the body specified in k and the key number key_no.

  • cipher – cipher Cipher type for which to construct the key.

  • k – Key body. This must be a preallocated buffer of the appropriate size for the key. If it is smaller, the rest of the body is filled with zeroes.

  • key_no – Number of the key, in the range 0..13 (included).

any_key(cipher_type cipher, mlab::range<std::uint8_t const*> k, std::uint8_t key_no, std::uint8_t v)

Constructs a key of the given cipher, using the body specified in k and the key number key_no. Subsequently, applies the version v.

  • cipher – cipher Cipher type for which to construct the key.

  • k – Key body. This must be a preallocated buffer of the appropriate size for the key. If it is smaller, the rest of the body is filled with zeroes.

  • key_no – Number of the key, in the range 0..13 (included).

  • v – Key version.

any_key(cipher_type cipher, random_oracle rng, std::uint8_t key_no = 0)

Constructs a random key of the given cipher, using the given random number generator and the key number key_no.

  • cipher – cipher Cipher type for which to construct the key.

  • rng – Random number generator function to use for filling the key body.

  • key_no – Number of the key, in the range 0..13 (included).

any_key(cipher_type cipher, random_oracle rng, std::uint8_t key_no, std::uint8_t v)

Constructs a random key of the given cipher, using the given random number generator and the key number key_no. Subsequently, applies the version v.

  • cipher – cipher Cipher type for which to construct the key.

  • rng – Random number generator function to use for filling the key body.

  • key_no – Number of the key, in the range 0..13 (included).

  • v – Key version.

std::uint8_t key_number() const

Key number of the key.


A number in the range 0..13 (included).

std::uint8_t version() const

Version of the key. DES-based keys encode the version in the key body, while AES128 keys store that separately.


A number in the range 0..255 (included).

mlab::range<std::uint8_t const*> body() const

Returns a data range holding the key body.


A pair of iterators, which yield a zero-length sequence if the key has cipher_type::none.

void set_key_number(std::uint8_t v)

Changes the key number to v.


v – A number in the range 0..13 (included).

void set_version(std::uint8_t v)

Changes the key version to v. DES-based keys encode the version in the key body, while AES128 keys store that separately.


v – A byte.

void set_body(mlab::range<std::uint8_t const*> k)

Changes the key body.


For DES keys, this will change the key version. The rationale is that the incoming data is from a known key, therefore it is ok to carry on the version. If you are generating a random key, use randomize.


k – Key body, it will be copied. This must be a preallocated buffer of the appropriate size for the key. If it is smaller, the rest of the body is filled with zeroes.

void randomize(random_oracle rng)

Randomizes the key without changing its type.


This does not change the key version.


rng – Random number generator function to use for filling the key body.

any_key with_key_number(std::uint8_t key_no) const

Copies the same key but changes the key_number.


key_no – Number of the key, in the range 0..13 (included).


An identical key, with different key_number.

std::size_t size() const

Size in bytes of the key. Does not account for the fact that DES key in Desfire cards are stored as 16 bytes, that is, will return 8 for a DES key. Also does not count the version byte for AES128 keys, i.e. for AES it will return 16.

bool parity_bits_are_version() const

Does this key store the version into the parity (LSB) bits of the key body? True only for DES-based keys.


True if the LSB bits of the body include the version.

bin_data get_packed_key_body() const

Returns a copy of the key body as used in authentication procedures.


DES keys are 2K3DES keys with two identical halves. Does not include version for keys that do not have parity_bits_are_version.

bin_data xored_with(any_key const &key_to_xor_with) const

XOR-s together the get_packed_key_body of this instance and key_to_xor_with (includes version). For AES128 keys, where parity_bits_are_version returns false, the key version is appended at the end and is excluded from the xoring process.


key_to_xor_with – Key for which to extract the body in order to XOR it with this instance.


The result of get_packed_key_body, XOR-ed with key_to_xor_with and with a version byte appended if necessary.

bool operator==(any_key const &other) const

Two keys are equal iff they have same cipher type, version and key body.

bool operator!=(any_key const &other) const

Two keys are equal iff they have same cipher type, version and key body.