Enum pn532::baudrate_modulation

Enum Documentation

enum class pn532::baudrate_modulation : std::uint8_t

Supported combinations of baudrate and modulation.


These correspond to the lowest 3 bits of target_type, which you can extract with baudrate_modulation_of.


enumerator kbps106_iso_iec_14443_typea

106 kbps ISO/IEC 14443 type A

enumerator kbps212_felica

212 kbps FeliCa modulation

enumerator kbps424_felica

424 kbps FeliCa modulation

enumerator kbps106_iso_iec_14443_3_typeb

106 kbps ISO/IEC 14443-3 type B

enumerator kbps106_innovision_jewel_tag

106 kbps Innovision Jewel tag