Function desfire::fs::make_app_ro

Function Documentation

result desfire::fs::make_app_ro(tag &tag, bool list_requires_auth)

Makes the current app “read only”. This is achieved by preventing any change in the master key and configuration, and allowing no key to further change keys. The caller is responsible for selecting the app and authenticating. No change in app and authentication is performed by this method. If any other key is set up, then those keys will still be able to modify the application. Make sure the current key is the only allowed key in the app.

  • tag – Tag on which to operate.

  • list_requires_auth – True to require authentication with a key for listing files and their settings, as in key_rights::dir_access_without_auth.


Either mlab::result_success, or any of the error codes returned by tag::change_app_settings.